Trevor Maxwell


Translating Data To Insightful Stories

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The advancement of AI piqued my interest. What started as an exploration of the emerging technology turned into a career transition. I am excited to be working as a technical business analyst. I am looking forward to what I will continue to learn and discover.

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About the data

Flotation extraction is a popular method for removing precious minerals from their ore. It is very useful for extracting minerals including copper, lead, zinc, nickel, gold, and silver. The technique is based on mineral physical and chemical features, such as hydrophobicity (tendency to reject water) and density differences.

The ore is coarsely crushed and combined with water to form a slurry in a standard floating extraction process. The slurry is next treated with collectors, which are chemical reagents that improve the hydrophobic characteristics of the target material. These collectors selectively attach to the surface of the desired mineral particles, resulting in the formation of a froth on top of the slurry.

When air is added to the slurry, bubbles form that cling to the hydrophobic mineral particles in the froth. The mineral-laden froth rises to the surface, while the undesired minerals remain in the slurry. This precious mineral concentrate-containing froth is then skimmed off and further processed to yield a refined product.

To optimize the flotation process, several variables such as pH, temperature, agitation, and reagent dosage are carefully controlled. These parameters can be changed depending on the mineral properties and desired extraction efficiency.