Trevor Maxwell


Translating Data To Insightful Stories

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The advancement of AI piqued my interest. What started as an exploration of the emerging technology turned into a career transition. I am excited to be working as a technical business analyst. I am looking forward to what I will continue to learn and discover.

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Streamline procedures & Maximize hospital capacity


We analyzed data from 101,766 patients across a span of 10 years, gathered from 130 hospitals.

Did you know that the average cost of a hospital stay in the US is $2,873 per day? When patients stay longer than necessary, it can prevent new patients from receiving the care they need. That’s why we’re exploring using ways to open up more beds and reduce unnecessary costs for patients who could be recovering at home.

The origin of the data can be found here

Great Questions

Key Insights

The Data

Creating room for incoming patients in hospitals is of utmost importance and there are two approaches to achieve this goal.

1. Building more rooms and. Adding more beds.
2. Promptly discharging patients.

When it comes to patient care, efficiency is important, but it’s equally important to ensure that patients aren’t readmitted less than 30 days after being discharged. This requires a careful balance between prompt discharge and thorough follow-up care to prevent any unnecessary readmissions.

let’s start things out with a positive note and look at six success stories that happened inside the emergency unit.
Knowing specifically what contributed to making these success stories happen would be good data to collect. You can imagine how much of an impact this has on opening up beds.

Next, we are trying to see if the avg stay in the hospital was less than 7 days is easiest with a histogram.
SQL is not the best with this graph so we made one in Tableau as well. It’s clear that most patients are discharged before 7 days. The avg is 4.40 days.

let’s have a look to see what is the busiest sector of the hospital currently is. It looks like cardiology really is the biggest piece of the puzzle in this case, and making sure they have enough resources to be as efficient as possible will be important.

A very touchy, but also very important piece of the puzzle is whether race is causing any special treatment good or bad.
luckily from the data we have it does not appear that race is getting special treatment.

Next, we’re looking at how much of a correlation lab procedures have to the number of days a patient is in the hospital. You can see in the inquiry that there’s definitely a correlation between the number of lab procedures and the days a patient is in the hospital. which means that reducing the number of procedures or improving their efficiency of them will also free up beds.

The very last thing we’re going to do is make a summary of each patient and see what stands out. What I take away from this summary is that even with a lot of medication prescribed. In many cases, the patient is not readmitted.

Key Insights


Here are some things to focus on. these pieces would make the biggest impact

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